Crashing DealBreaker

I was in New York last week and while riding in a cab, the driver spotted a printer left on the curb. He pulled over, hopped out, grabbed the printer, tossed it in the trunk, then hopped back in and kept driving. You had to see it—it was all one fluid motion. See, this is why I love NYC.
My destination was the offices of one of my favorite blogs, DealBreaker. I won’t bore you with the details, but after passing the reception area and security checkpoints (including retinal scan), I finally arrived at their palatial offices. I had no idea blogging was so profitable.
Naturally, I brought my camera to record to the events.
Here’s DealBreaker’s very talented Editor-In-Chief John Carney. Note the whiteboard in the background. They never use it. Instead, it serves as ironic symbolism of John’s alienation and disaffection from the mainstream media. (Plus, it’s cheap.) Here’s John quietly reflecting on the eloquence and understated humor of his previous post.
More John. Here he is on the phone. Probably putting the screws to some Wall Street bigshot. (You can see why CNBC loves him!)
John’s a wonderful guy and he even treated me to lunch. At one point, I tried to take a picture of Bess Levin, DealBreaker’s heartbreaker. But before I could, several large men wrestled me to the ground. Then Bess crushed my camera under the heel of her four inch leather stilettos. So in lieu of any Bess photos, I give you that mental image.
I did manage to get one shot of her messy desk. Naturally, dear reader, I’m as appalled as you are. And yes, that is a shuttlecock just under the screen.
Anyway, if you haven’t read DealBreaker, I highly recommend it. It’s one of the best and funniest sites on the Internets.

Posted by on July 17th, 2007 at 1:28 pm

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