Goldman Was Considering Merging with Citi

This is just frightening:

Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein called Vikram Pandit, his Citigroup counterpart, last month to discuss a merger, in a dramatic example of the secret manoeuvring that preceded the government bailout of the financial sector. The call, made at the tentative suggestion of the regulatory authorities or at least with their blessing, was shortly after Goldman won surprise approval to convert itself into a commercial bank on Sept. 21. The conversation was brief as Pandit rejected the proposal at once. A deal would have been structured as a Citi takeover of Goldman. Seperately, The Telegraph reports Goldman Sachs could this week appoint its smallest number of new partners since its flotation, as the bank downsizes in the face of the financial crisis.

Posted by on October 27th, 2008 at 10:58 am

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