Fighting the 200 DMA

I’ve said before that I’m not a big fan of technical analysis. I make one small exception for looking at the market’s 200 day moving average.
This is the simply the average of the closes for the previous 200 days. The 200 DMA does have a decent track record — when the market is above the 200 DMA, it tends to rally, below it, not so much.
I think this is a good example of a dumb rule that works well (or well enough) for very smart reasons. The key is that the market tends to be a very trend friendly data series. Once things are set in motion, they tend to continue. At least, until they stop.
I think the stock market is pretty cheap right now (but I caution you that my broad market calls aren’t so good), but it looks like investors aren’t ready for a rally. The S&P 500 has tried a couple of times to break out above its 200 DMA but each attempt has sputtered out.
We just peaked above it again today. Let’s see if this is our turning point.

Posted by on June 15th, 2010 at 1:58 pm

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