A “Green Light” for SHW

Barron’s has a roundup of some recent economic reports. Baird Equity Research has Sherwin-Williams (SHW) as an outperform. Here’s what they had to say:

Strength in the U.S. do-it-yourself market and diverse end-market exposure from the acquired Valspar coatings assets have partly offset challenges across other portions of Sherwin-Williams’ portfolio. We continue to believe that the company remains advantaged in the current operating environment, with 2020 earnings probably biased to the upper end of its current guidance of $19 to $21 a share. Noting that Sherwin-Williams’ earnings power is $25 to $27, we believe that our raised, $650 price target is realistic. That underlies our top pick designation.

The shares haven’t done much over the past six weeks.

Posted by on June 29th, 2020 at 9:42 am

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